Friday, June 6, 2008

Oh God save me from stupid people!
I see a certain person (my wife) almost every day, and she really has turned out to be so different from what I had hoped: she is stupid! What I mean by stupid, is this: Prov 12:1 Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, But he who hates reproof is stupid.

We choose what happens to us:
If we whore around, we get hurt.
If we live over our budget, we get debt
If we don't believe in our future, we don't try to reach it

My (stupid) wife has done all of the abovementioned, and she is bitter because she has lost so much. AND, to add to the stupidity, she doesn't care to learn anything better!

Don't be stupid, listen to correction. Stay chaste, work hard and give your tithes into God's work, believe that you can all things in Him who strenghtens you, and be blessed! Amen!

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