Monday, February 18, 2008


Again, I wish to address an issue that is probably never going to go away until this age comes to a close: the issue of living in holiness.

I've been discussing these issues a bit with several people, including my wife. I've also read several articles about this issue, and made some findings.

Finding 1. ) People who defend a sinful lifestyle say its impossible to be holy.
-The problem with this view is, that it assumes we need to be holy in our selves - we don't! We are sanctified by God in His Son Jesus Messiah! To acknowledge sin as sin allows us to live in the new nature.

Finding 2. ) Naiveness: doing a small sin will not cause more sin and a line can be drawn without danger.
-I've never seen anyone do this successfully. Always, when a person has started to view for example promiscuity as acceptable, he/she has also eventually done it OR repented. You cannot hold fire in your bosom and not be burnt.
-Also, the trouble with this view is that it assumes sin doesn't have consequences: the bible is clear on this and says that the fruit of sin is death.

Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord

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